SchoolTena is a cross platform school management system that can be accessed on averiety of devices ranging from smart phone, tablets, laptops and desktop computers.

Due to its ease of use, schooltena has been described by many as the most user friendly school system due to its ever directing menus on the side and top of the screen. It’s ably visible direction buttons for printing reports make it the fastest system in report printing as everything is done by a button click.

The system supports both secondary and primary levels of the Ugandan curriculum with the Advanced level curriculum and the learn centered curriculum commonly known as the new curriculum considered for secondary. The primary module looks as the upper and lower primary sections as well as the nursery section.

All the school processes have been digitized right from student registration, school fees tracking, examination results management, reports printing, results dissemination and students’ results access. The school holds all the control of the features it wants to give with our permissions module.

The system allows every subject teacher to enter their own marks and their involvement has made results management process much easier. Every subject teach is much aware and involved in the process.